Kewaunee County Garden Club

It is the mission of the Kewaunee County Garden Club to support the horticulture efforts of the people & communities of the county with volunteer work, education & example.
KCGC thru the ages |
2025 PBS Garden Expo
--A word from Mary Novak--
Kewaunee County Garden Club
'Gets Down to Earth'
Annual Plant Sale
Lakehaven Garden & Outdoor Living
Saturday, May 27, 2023
9:00 A.M. - Noon
The Kewaunee County Garden Club will hold their 26th Annual Plant Sale on Saturday May 27, from 9:00 A.M. - Noon at the Lakehaven Garden & Outdoor Living Show (west lawn), 96 Ellis St., Kewaunee. Lakehaven Hall will be buzzing with vendors eager to show their wares!
Eight hundred to 1,000 plants will be offered, according to Tom Zenner, Garden Club President. A wide variety of plants including perennials, annuals, native plants for pollinators and beneficial insects, heirloom tomatoes, herbs, vegetables, vines and succulents will be for sale. There will also be garden décor for sale. “We always look forward to surprise plants our garden club members may bring,” he said.
Plants are divided into sun, as well as shade loving plants, to help attendees make successful choices that are suited for their garden site. “We have expert gardeners and Master Gardeners who can help in choosing plants. Since these plants are grown in their own gardens, I think it's fair to say our members will give 'homegrown advice',” says Zenner.
The popular gardening kits for kids and adult kids will once again be available for the 'wanna-be' gardeners, young and the young at heart.
There will be a section incorporating companion planting which is new this year. Plants that are vulnerable to harmful insects will benefit by planting a 'trap' plant such as nasturtiums. Insects will gravitate to the flowers and not bother tomatoes, broccoli etc. Many other flowers and herbs can be planted around vegetables for this purpose.
A new feature at the sale will be a shovel and hoe sharpener. Gardeners should bring tools they would like sharpened. The cost for sharpening is $6.00 per tool. A sharp tool cuts through dirt and plant matter much more quickly than a dull one, making for lighter work and saving time.
The proceeds from the sale go back into the community to support horticulture efforts and education. Examples are public school greenhouse projects, community gardens, maintaining city and county garden beds, tours of public gardens and a scholarship focused on horticultural endeavors.
The Garden Club welcomes new members and meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month. To join, attend the sale or contact any garden club member for details.
For more information visit or Facebook: Lakehaven Garden and Outdoor Living Show.
Kewaunee County Garden Club
'Gets Down to Earth'
Annual Plant Sale
Lakehaven Garden & Outdoor Living
Saturday, May 27, 2023
9:00 A.M. - Noon
The Kewaunee County Garden Club will hold their 26th Annual Plant Sale on Saturday May 27, from 9:00 A.M. - Noon at the Lakehaven Garden & Outdoor Living Show (west lawn), 96 Ellis St., Kewaunee. Lakehaven Hall will be buzzing with vendors eager to show their wares!
Eight hundred to 1,000 plants will be offered, according to Tom Zenner, Garden Club President. A wide variety of plants including perennials, annuals, native plants for pollinators and beneficial insects, heirloom tomatoes, herbs, vegetables, vines and succulents will be for sale. There will also be garden décor for sale. “We always look forward to surprise plants our garden club members may bring,” he said.
Plants are divided into sun, as well as shade loving plants, to help attendees make successful choices that are suited for their garden site. “We have expert gardeners and Master Gardeners who can help in choosing plants. Since these plants are grown in their own gardens, I think it's fair to say our members will give 'homegrown advice',” says Zenner.
The popular gardening kits for kids and adult kids will once again be available for the 'wanna-be' gardeners, young and the young at heart.
There will be a section incorporating companion planting which is new this year. Plants that are vulnerable to harmful insects will benefit by planting a 'trap' plant such as nasturtiums. Insects will gravitate to the flowers and not bother tomatoes, broccoli etc. Many other flowers and herbs can be planted around vegetables for this purpose.
A new feature at the sale will be a shovel and hoe sharpener. Gardeners should bring tools they would like sharpened. The cost for sharpening is $6.00 per tool. A sharp tool cuts through dirt and plant matter much more quickly than a dull one, making for lighter work and saving time.
The proceeds from the sale go back into the community to support horticulture efforts and education. Examples are public school greenhouse projects, community gardens, maintaining city and county garden beds, tours of public gardens and a scholarship focused on horticultural endeavors.
The Garden Club welcomes new members and meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month. To join, attend the sale or contact any garden club member for details.
For more information visit or Facebook: Lakehaven Garden and Outdoor Living Show.
2023 annual plant sale
Saturday May 27th at "Lakehaven garden and outdoor living show"
how can i make more plants
Can I divide plants in summer?While spring and fall are traditionally the best time to divide, there are plenty of reasons you may need to divide a plant in the summer. Whether you’re moving or just haven’t had the time until now, many plants take summer division just fine as long as you follow the tips I’m about to share. There are even some plants, such as bearded iris and Oriental poppies, that are better off being split this time of year.
Our Mission Statement:
Van der Brohe Arboretum inculcates a vibrant bond between trees, nature, art, and people. It is a place where contemplation and discovery are fostered. Committed to the support of sylviculture, migratory stopover, stewardship of the landscape, artistic expression, and education, Van der Brohe Arboretum intimately links visitors with the natural environment through the grounds, exhibitions, and programming.
Van der Brohe Arboretum inculcates a vibrant bond between trees, nature, art, and people. It is a place where contemplation and discovery are fostered. Committed to the support of sylviculture, migratory stopover, stewardship of the landscape, artistic expression, and education, Van der Brohe Arboretum intimately links visitors with the natural environment through the grounds, exhibitions, and programming.
Down memory lane - a look at only some of the clubs actvities
25 YEARS TO REMEMBER "the early years"
25th Annual Plant Sale this Saturday May 28th
9am - Noon
Lakehaven Hall, 96 Ellis Street, Kewaunee
Lakehaven Hall, 96 Ellis Street, Kewaunee
Sale proceeds go back to the community in scholarships and project funding.
Featuring: Locally grown Perennials,
Heirloom Tomatoes
Native plants
Garden Decor
Please join us to celebrate our 25th Anniversary.
This year we will be offering Gardening Kits to young and old to introduce you to the joy of Gardening
Featuring: Locally grown Perennials,
Heirloom Tomatoes
Native plants
Garden Decor
Please join us to celebrate our 25th Anniversary.
This year we will be offering Gardening Kits to young and old to introduce you to the joy of Gardening
Starting Seeds
After careful consideration we have decided to cancel our bus trip to the Garden Expo.
It was a difficult decision but feel that it is right for the times we are experiencing
It was a difficult decision but feel that it is right for the times we are experiencing
A garden club member, Mary Ouradnik graciously provided a tour of her Gardens. It was a beautiful night in July, the predicted rain held off and so did the mosquitos. We started our tour waking the beds on the north side of the house. These garden beds are anchored by multiple Hydrangea which were blooming at their peak - just for us. We strolled the beds in the back of the house where perennials bloomed in both full sun and heavy shade. A raised bed vegetable garden featuring livestock tanks rounded out our garden tour.
Mary has a flair for turning anything into a planter. From an old pick-up truck to a brightly painted wicker chair Mary has tucked plants throughout her garden. A Monarch waystation sign designated the area approved by This area provides Milkweed, nectar sources and shelter to sustain the Monarch butterflies as they migrate through North America. |
Gardening Kits available at the sale
KCGC Gardening Kits
The Kewaunee County Garden Club recognizes that there are a lot of ‘wanna be’ gardeners in the area. It is a perfect time to have available ‘gardening kits’ for the young and old alike. The kits will be available at the KCGC Plant Sale the end of May. There is no charge; however, donations are always welcome.
For the young: One example: a colorful straw hat filled with vegetable or flower seeds, trowel, rake, popsicle stick to mark what is planted, and instructions.
For Adults: gardening kits can come in an old gardening shoe, sprinkling can, vase, old jean’s pockets, anything that is repurposed, filled with flower or vegetable seeds or transplants, trowel, gardening gloves, and instructions.
The Kewaunee County Garden Club recognizes that there are a lot of ‘wanna be’ gardeners in the area. It is a perfect time to have available ‘gardening kits’ for the young and old alike. The kits will be available at the KCGC Plant Sale the end of May. There is no charge; however, donations are always welcome.
For the young: One example: a colorful straw hat filled with vegetable or flower seeds, trowel, rake, popsicle stick to mark what is planted, and instructions.
For Adults: gardening kits can come in an old gardening shoe, sprinkling can, vase, old jean’s pockets, anything that is repurposed, filled with flower or vegetable seeds or transplants, trowel, gardening gloves, and instructions.

Kewaunee Community Garden Proposal
Description - Create a community vegetable garden east of the Agricultural Learning Center that will be utilized by both the school district and community members.
Purpose - To create a partnership between the school district and the community to promote self sustainability through the planting and harvesting of produce from a shared garden space along with providing education opportunities for students and community members alike.
Benefits- Provide an opportunity for community members to grow their own produce. Provide networking and educational opportunities for students of KSD. Provide fresh produce for the local food pantry. Possibly provide produce for the school lunch program.
Description - Create a community vegetable garden east of the Agricultural Learning Center that will be utilized by both the school district and community members.
Purpose - To create a partnership between the school district and the community to promote self sustainability through the planting and harvesting of produce from a shared garden space along with providing education opportunities for students and community members alike.
Benefits- Provide an opportunity for community members to grow their own produce. Provide networking and educational opportunities for students of KSD. Provide fresh produce for the local food pantry. Possibly provide produce for the school lunch program.
February 2021 meeting video preview
How to Grow Mushrooms in your annual or permaculture garden
How to Grow Mushrooms in your annual or permaculture garden
Saturday February 20th & Sunday February 21st
For your safety, they're going virtual in 2021
The safety of our attendees, presenters, exhibitors and volunteers is paramount. Therefore, PBS Wisconsin has made the difficult — yet necessary — decision to cancel our 2021 in-person Garden & Landscape Expo.
While we will not be meeting together at the Alliant Energy Center in February, we plan to unite and engage the gardening community virtually, sharing inspiration and educational opportunities.
Fall Garden Maintenance: Autumn Garden Ideas And Tips
A little fall planning and prepping can really rev up the spring season. Autumn is the time to clean up beds, manage soils, prepare sod and minimize problems in the new growing season.
Read more at Gardening Know How: Fall Garden Maintenance: Autumn Garden Ideas And Tips
Read more at Gardening Know How: Fall Garden Maintenance: Autumn Garden Ideas And Tips
Words of wisdom from melinda meyers
More than Mums in the fall garden
Fall Containers
Plant Giveaway- May 23rd
As a thank you for 20 years of community support we will be offering the plants you have come to expect at our annual sale. While we might not have as many plants, we will offer perennials, vegetables, herbs and much more. First come first serve is the planned format and strict social distancing will be observed. We will be asking folks to limit their choices as to serve as many loyal customers as possible.
Hope to see you there! |
Master Gardener volunteer requirements
Dana Construction update The new slab is for a warming house with a bathroom. There will be an outside water source. Estimated start time is end of May.
Petisites |
Ice rink will go in, not close to cabin.
Bleeding Heart |
The driveway at the end near the road will be widened to help eliminate water run off
Rodgersia |
The vegetation must come out directly in front of the cabin so it can be re-chinked. Start sometime in May.
Hydrangea |
A note from our fearless leader tom zHello all. After much soul-searching and discussion with several others, I have decided to cancel the March meeting of the KCGC.
I have recommended that HCE also cancel, but that is their call. The April 28 meeting at The Ag Heritage Center at 6:30 is still a go. Dave Myers has agreed to talk to us at the May 19 meeting, which will take place at Dana Farm at 7PM. I have several ideas for the summer meetings and will work on those soon. |
Bird City Algoma Committee members are looking for bird photos for their annual International Migratory Bird Day celebration to be held Saturday, April 18, at the Algoma Youth Club.
CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS Visit our displays at both the Bird City and Lakehaven Hall events. KCGC will be offering demos and giveaways. Grinch Tree DemoOn Tuesday November 26th we tried a new project. The "Grinch Tree" has become a popular holiday floral arrangement. With the guidance of a club member we sought our materials locally at Aissen Tree Farm.
With the greens and containers procured, we got started. The project took about an hour and look at the creativity unleashed from our club members. We sure had fun. WHAT ARE SWEDE MIDGES?
Swede midges lay their eggs on members of the cabbage family of plants — or 'brassica' — which includes broccoli, Brussels sprout, cauliflower, collards, kale and kohlrabi. The plantscapers
The Plantscapers located at E2051 Luxemburg Rd
Luxemburg, Wisconsin 54217 hosted the Kewaunee County Garden Club for a tour of their display gardens, Bonsai and the plants available for purchase. Mixed in the display garden you will see many mature trees artfully placed showing their best attributes. Eric Marcelle, a landscaper and designer has helped design and plant hundreds of gardens in the county, Marcelle will often mix native plants in with traditional gardens as well as use them to cover large areas of woodland, prairie or wet areas. Marcelle's father, Jerry, began The Plantscapers, at their home almost 30 years ago. The nursery and gardens are operated out of their barn and stone out buildings. Jerry began growing hostas and native plants that were not readily available at other nurseries. The nursery focuses on the unusual plant species and risk free natives which offer diversity and resistance to invasive species that are fast encroaching on Northeast Wisconsin. |
Date: May 2, 2020
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm -Spruce up your landscaping at the annual Lakehaven Garden and Outdoor Living Show in Kewaunee! -Shop vendors, check out displays, enter raffles, enjoy food and drinks. -Rain or shine, this event is held indoors and it's FREE admission! -Proceeds to benefit Lakehaven Hall. Location: Lakehaven Hall Address: 96 Ellis Street Kewaunee, WI, 54216 We are now taking Reservations for the 2020 Garden ExpoPlease download the reservation form, complete and mail along with your payment to secure your spot on the bus.
Mike and Kathie's' winery
Donations support the community
Left-Right, Justine Felk, Luxemburg AG Teacher receives a donation from Nancy Lamack, Kewaunee County Garden Club. The funds are going to use the money to build raised beds to start a new phase of their program.
As usual we learned a lot from our customers this year and we so appreciate the feed back. Our survey showed that our shoppers came from all over the county. We even had folks come as far as Louisiana to visit the sale.
Our goal is fulfill those requests such as; Asparagus, Lavender, Comfrey, Vines, Ground cover, Non-Purple Lupine and Trees. Stay tuned for more details.
Our goal is fulfill those requests such as; Asparagus, Lavender, Comfrey, Vines, Ground cover, Non-Purple Lupine and Trees. Stay tuned for more details.